Our vision is summed up in our mission statement:
Christ Church Blackburn exists to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ
What We Believe
The good news of Jesus couldn’t be more relevant to people in Blackburn today, offering us hope and purpose in a world that often feels bleak and uncertain. We want to spread this good news to others.
Our beliefs can be summed up as Christian, Anglican, Evangelical
- Christian: We unite around Jesus Christ and His gospel. We affirm the historic Christian creeds (the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian Creed)
- Anglican: We’re glad to be an Anglican church with its reformed theological heritage.
- Evangelical: Together with many other evangelical churches, we affirm the following contemporary statements of faith, which encapsulate some key aspects of the Bible’s teaching:
- The Evangelical Alliance basis of faith
- The Church of England Evangelical Council basis of faith