St. Matthew’s Church of England Primary School
St Matthew’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School is our church school.
As a Christian school, St Matthew’s aims to develop the spiritual and moral values of all members of the school family, and a meaningful, loving relationship with God.
As a church we are closely involved with various activities including leading assemblies, English conversation classes and the Big Lunch club. Christ Church PCC also appoints 6 of the 12 governors on the Governing Board.

Mission partners beyond Blackburn
As a church we are partners with people in churches in other parts of the world – praying for them and supporting them financially. We partner with Crosslinks and Overseas Mission Fellowship among a number of organisations.
Crosslinks is an international mission agency, mainly
working in countries in the Anglican communion. Crosslinks facilitates gospel partnership between Christians in the UK and around the world – facilitating mission, including sponsorship for theological students and support for local mission wherever it happens.
Our mission partners are serving in a sensitive country. DV is a church pastor in a major city. He also runs a programme which seeks to equip ministers and lay people to train other Christians in the region to teach the Bible in a faithful and effective way.


The North West Gospel Partnership
Locally, we are part of the North West Gospel Partnership, a network of local churches and individuals across the North West of England.
The North West Gospel Partnership aims to support and encourage Bible believing Christians and to expand gospel ministry in the North West.